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Platypus プラティパス
Platypus is a jazzcore/noise project by Swiss musicians Michel Barengo,David Schnee and Jonas Labhart. Combining composition and improvisation, Platypus oscillates between rapidly changing moods of pre-arranged sequences and improvised sections building up to towering walls of sound. At times like zapping through TV stations, a constant, slightly disturbing mood acts as a gravitational force on the individual segments, keeping them together.
The musical toolbox consists of a collection of DIY instruments, pre-recorded audio pieces originally from vinyl records, movies, outdoor soundscapes, toys, everyday objects, as well as viola, drums, percussion and effects units.
Michel Barengo - Composition, Turntable, Samples, Percussion, Effects
David Schnee - Viola, Effects
Jonas Labhart - Altsaxophone
Hotel Room Stories
Platypus’ first album Hotel Room Stories captures impressions of a trip through Japan in the fall of 2013 and expresses it through its own musical language. The individual songs traverse through various moods, images and intensities, playfully contrasting meditative silence with total sensory overload. Japanese music meets both traditional and modern soundscapes, enabled by a unique set of instruments consisting of turntables, viola, saxophone, percussion, voice and effect units. In this way, the impressions of Japan are processed and experimented with, melding two very different cultures.
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